PMC Programs Connecting with the Real You!
Media is a new-age tool to accelerate the transmission of Truth to one and all, in the shortest period. “TRUTH ” is that which transcends all limitations of time and space, that which is constant across all places, at all times, in all situations. PMC Telugu makes this Truth available to all by being present, wherever we need be!

The vision of Truth in every home
There are currently 75 million (telugu language) speakers of this language, living in India and around the world. After Hindi and Bengali, it is the third most frequently spoken of all the Indian languages. As India’s one and only Spiritual Science channel, it is our endeavour to make universal truths reach every home in an simple and effective way.

The vision of the Truth on-the-go
In a digitally connected world, we offer each and every one the choice to connect with their inner-self anytime, anywhere. Stay tuned to unleash the infinite human potential through the power of real, lasting connections.
The vision of Truth, In Print
The knowledge apprehended by the ancient sages that was heard “Shruti” and what was remembered “Smriti” is now being brought back, the “written form’ through the power of print media.

Dhyana Maha Chakram
Dhyana Maha Chakram is an awe-inspiring event where meditation sessions are held by different masters from PSSM and other spiritual organizations round the clock. The soul of the event is the three-hour long music meditation sessions under the guidance of Patriji accompanied by his flute renditions along with music by other maestros.